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Saul was willing to grudgingly obey to a certain extent, but he never gave the Lord his heart. What God wants from us, above all, are hearts that seek him, and have found their belonging in him. What we look like, our personal history, our talents – all these things are secondary to our hearts. The Lord found that kind of heart in young David. When our hearts belong fully to God, he can use us. No one in this life perfectly surrenders their heart to the Lord, of course, but when we trust him, he begins a work that will be complete and beautiful in the new creation. All of the good that David did, his lasting, permanent legacy, is that his heart belonged to the Lord.

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1 SAMUEL #16. 1 SAMUEL 16:1-13

I mentioned previously that we need to understand the Old Testament in the light of the New Testament. It contains the first two acts of a three-act play. It won’t make sense until you also see the end. It is all about Jesus. If we just read the Old Testament alone, we get a message that seems to contain a lot about following rules and a mean, incomprehensible God. But every once in a while we get a hint that this is a set up for something more to come – the more that was fully explained and fulfilled in Jesus. In 1 Samuel 16, we get another of these hints.

Saul struggled with insecurity. In his fears he did not turn to God for mercy and grace – instead, he tried to control and manipulate God through religion. He did not want a relationship of trust in the Almighty – he just wanted an Almighty who would do what he (Saul) wanted him to. When it came right down to it, Saul wanted God to serve him, not the reverse. Ultimately, he rejected God, and so God made plans to bring in a different king. That is how things stood at the end of 1 Samuel chapter 15.

The prophet Samuel grieved over this turn of events, and even mourned for Saul personally. This shows us something of the man Samuel was. He knew it was wrong for the people to want a king. He knew that Saul was insecure and not a true follower of the Lord. But Samuel hated to see him fail, hated that he had turned away from God. He knew that because of Saul’s own choices, God could not do anything more with him, but even so, he grieved for Saul.

Here in chapter sixteen, the Lord told Samuel to go anoint the one who would be the next king of Israel. It is interesting to note that Samuel, for all his care for Saul, had no illusions about what kind of man he was. He thought Saul would have him killed if he found out he was anointing another person to be king. Even so, he obeyed and went to the home of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah, who lived in Bethlehem.

He had Jesse bring his sons with him to a sacrifice that they offered to the Lord. When Samuel saw Jesse’s oldest son, he was impressed.

6 When they arrived, Samuel took one look at Eliab and thought, “Surely this is the LORD’s anointed!”
7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:6-7

This is one of those times when the curtain is drawn back, and the Old Testament shows plainly what God is after. It may be one of the most important verses in the Old Testament. God looks at the heart. The word for “heart” is a form of the Hebrew word “leb.” This is a word with a rich meaning, just as “heart” is in English. In Hebrew this word means innermost being, intellect, the center of a person or thing.

Writer Brent Curtis points out how important the heart is:

We describe a person without compassion as “heartless,” and we urge him or her to “have a heart.” Our deepest hurts we call “heartaches.” Jilted lovers are “brokenhearted.” Courageous soldiers are “bravehearted.” The truly evil are ‘black-hearted” and saints have “hearts of gold.” If we need to speak at the most intimate level we ask for a “heart-to-heart” talk. “Lighthearted” is how we feel on vacation. And when we love someone as truly as we may, we love “with all our heart.” But when we lose our passion for life, when a deadness sets in which we cannot seem to shake, we confess, “My heart’s just not in it.”

[Curtis adds], “it is in our heart that we first hear the voice of God and it is in the heart that we come to know him and live in his love…For above all else, the Christian life is a love affair of the heart.”

Brent Curtis & John Eldredge, The Sacred Romance

No wonder Solomon calls the heart “the wellspring of life”(Proverbs 4:23). Both Saul and Jesse’s son Eliab were impressive on the outside. Though probably not as tall as Saul, Jesse’s first born, Eliab, was apparently tall and impressive looking.

There is a reason the creator of 1 Samuel put this narrative right after the one about Saul’s failure. Saul’s problem was that his heart was not turned toward God. Outwardly, he was impressive. Outwardly, he pretended to follow God by being superficially religious. But God is after our hearts. Saul’s heart was closed to him. Eliab’s also, apparently. What the Lord wanted was not an impressive looking person. He wasn’t after a great warrior or commander of men. He wanted first and foremost a heart that would belong to him.

Samuel went down the line of Jesse’s sons – seven of them. The Lord did not choose any of them. Finally, they called in the youngest, a boy named David. The fact that David was not at the sacrifice with the others opens up the possibility that at this time he was younger than thirteen years old, and so not a normal adult guest at an audience with the Prophet. We can’t know this for sure, however. At any event, he was quite young, and unimportant enough in his family to be left tending the sheep while the older men held council with Samuel. If I had to guess, I would say that this event was pretty close to David’s thirteenth birthday, either just before or after, because in those days,  a male was considered a man at his thirteenth birthday. This brings to mind the history of Samuel himself, who was very young when God began to speak to him. God told Samuel that this youngest brother was the one he had chosen to be the next king of Israel.

I want to give us a bit more background on how surprising God’s choice was. David was born into the tribe of Judah. Although the founder of the tribe, the patriarch Judah, was eventually considered the leader among his brothers, he had a inconsistent spiritual history, to say the least. Judah was the one who saved his brother Joseph when the others wanted to kill him. But he “saved” Joseph by suggesting they sell him into slavery. Later, Judah participated in deceiving his father Jacob about what had happened to Joseph. A few years on, Judah slept with a woman pretending to be a prostitute, and his ultimate line of descendants – including Jesse and David – came from that union. Centuries later as the Israelites were entering the promised land, a Canaanite prostitute named Rahab converted to the worship of the Lord. A man from the tribe of Judah married her, and she became one of the ancestors of David’s family as well. Three generations before David, his great-grandfather married a widow woman who wasn’t even an Israelite. So in David’s family history are two prostitutes, and two women who didn’t even come from the tribes of Israel. If you were imagining the family that God would use, you might not think it would be one like this.

Next let’s look at David’s own position in the family. In those days, firstborn sons were considered more important than all other children. The firstborn usually got twice as much inheritance as anyone else. The family line was usually counted through the firstborn. The remaining birth order was also generally considered important. So, the second born was next in importance, and so on. There was also some significance to the number seven, which was associated with God’s perfection. David however, was not the firstborn, and not even the seventh! He was eighth, and last, and barely thirteen years old. There was nothing about his position in his own family that would make him important.

All of this may not be such a big deal to us, but to Samuel, and David, and the others alive at that time, the idea that David would become the Lord’s new anointed king was utterly surprising, maybe even flabbergasting.

However, we have seen that Samuel was a true and faithful follower of the Lord. So, he obeyed the Lord, and anointed David with oil. Up until Saul was anointed by Samuel, anointing usually  meant pouring oil on vessels that were dedicated to be used in worshipping God, or pouring oil on a priest to show that he was set apart to serve God. No one except Samuel and Saul had been present when Saul was anointed to serve God as king. Therefore, though the his family probably understood that David was being set apart to serve God in some way, most of them would have been fuzzy on exactly how he was meant to serve. In other words, though his father and brothers were present when Samuel did this, it is not clear that any of them understood that David was being chosen as the next king of Israel.

The physical pouring on of oil was  a symbol of what the Lord did spiritually. For at that time, the Spirit of the Lord came into David, and left Saul. Remember, before Jesus, the Spirit of God usually worked only in one or two individuals or one small group in any given generation of people.

 Now I want to stop with the text here, and seek some application. I cannot over emphasize the importance of the heart when it comes to our interactions with God. If the Lord has your religious service, but he doesn’t have your heart, he doesn’t have you. If God has your intellectual agreement, but he doesn’t have your heart, he doesn’t have you. I think this was partly what the apostle Paul meant when he wrote this:

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. 1Cor 13:1-3 (ESV)

We are going to learn more about David. He became a fierce warrior. He turned into the greatest king of Israel in a thousand year period. He was wise. He was a tremendous musician, with the soul of a poet, who wrote worship songs that are still being used today, three thousand years later. But ultimately, the legacy of David was this: his heart belonged fully to God (1 Kings 14:8; 1 Kings 15:3; Acts 13:22). Everything that David achieved was merely a result of that.

Listen to David’s heart, expressed in the words he wrote:

1 ​​​​​​​​As a deer pants for flowing streams, ​​​​​​​so pants my soul for you, O God. ​​​ 2 ​​​​​​​​My soul thirsts for God, ​​​​​​​for the living God. ​​​​​​​When shall I come and appear before God? ​​​ Ps 42:1-2 (ESV)
1 God, You are my God; I eagerly seek You. I thirst for You; my body faints for You in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water. 2 So I gaze on You in the sanctuary to see Your strength and Your glory. 3 My lips will glorify You because Your faithful love is better than life. Ps 63:1-3 (HCSB)

Now sometimes, I think we don’t give our hearts to God because we don’t recognize it when he calls to our hearts. Like Saul, we tend to think God mainly wants religious service. And in some ways, he does, but he wants that to flow out of hearts that belong fully to him. David heard God calling his heart as he was alone in the wilderness with sheep. Somewhere inside that sharp pang of loneliness he heard the voice of the Lord, and he answered in faith, and wrote songs and poems. He recognized God was romancing his heart through the beauty of the wild lands. He recognized God reaching to his heart through the excitement and fierce rushing joy of protecting his sheep from bears and lions. When he saw beauty and was drawn to it, he recognized that it was ultimately God’s beauty and God seeking his heart.

We can do the same. Maybe there is music that stirs your soul, that wakes you up and makes you yearn for something – you might not even know what. Recognize that that yearning is actually for  God. He is reaching out to you through that music (I don’t think it matters if the music is overtly Christian or not). Listen to it more. Let God into your heart through it.

Maybe being in nature causes a stirring in you, a desire. Recognize that the God who made nature is reaching out to you. Don’t mistake nature for God himself. But let him use the beauty of the mountains and fall colors and rushing streams to draw you to Him.

Maybe you long to have a soul mate, another person who really knows you completely and accepts you for who you are. Sometimes the Lord fulfills that desire partially through the person we marry. Often, however, we get disappointed. I don’t know about you, but the soul mate of my wife Kari turned out to be a sinful, flawed human man, who often fails to meet her needs. I bet if you are married, the same thing has happened to you. We can rejoice at the gift our spouses are. But what our spouses lack is supposed to help us desire God even more. He is calling to your heart with that yearning.

Perhaps you long for adventure, for the rush and thrill of danger or accomplishment. We can get some of that in this world, and there is nothing wrong with it. But recognize that we can only get part of it without God. The true fulfillment of that yearning is found when our hearts belong to the God of adventure.

I think one common mistake we make is to believe that our yearning can be fully satisfied in this mortal life. That is why we chase desperately after achievement, money, sex, adventure, and relationships. It is also why, when we are disappointed in those things, we often turn to drugs, alcohol, or overeating. But we were not meant to be fulfilled in this life. Our desires here and now are supposed to point us toward God, and eternal fulfillment. C.S. Lewis wrote:

“The settled happiness and security which we all desire, God withholds from us by the very nature of the world: but joy, pleasure, and merriment, He has scattered broadcast. We are never safe, but we have plenty of fun, and some ecstasy. It is not hard to see why. The security we crave would teach us to rest our hearts in this world and pose an obstacle to our return to God: a few moments of happy love, a landscape, a symphony, a merry meeting with our friends, a bathe or a football match, have no such tendency. Our Father refreshes us on the journey with some pleasant inns, but will not encourage us to mistake them for home.”

(C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain)

God is calling your heart. In this life, while we still inhabit these mortal bodies, the call is bittersweet, and never fully satisfied. The presence of sin prevents full satisfaction. But when we give him our hearts, he begins in us the work that will be complete in the new creation. There, and only there, we will be fully satisfied in our hearts.

David was the eighth son of a family with a pretty sketchy history, and barely thirteen years old. None of that mattered. What mattered then and through all history was that he turned his heart toward God as fully as a sinful person can. What you look like, what you do for a living, how successful you are – none of those things really matter. What God looks at is your heart. Does it belong to him? Will you trust that He is both the source and fulfilment of all your heart’s longing?

The truth is, we can’t even recognize his call, or trust that he is the source of our desires, without help from the Holy Spirit. Take a moment now to ask him to give you a heart that seeks him above all else. If you will, you might be pleasantly surprised at the results.

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